We had the best time watching nature unfolding: the vivid green turning into the perfect shade of blue, the perfect blend of sky and sea... The breeze in our hair, nothing to worry about apart from our sing alongs, words lost in the music that danced with the wind.

And as life moves on, people do too… and you kept moving, holding on to the memories, but waking up to the beauty around you: the friendships that make you feel the luckiest in the world; the ocean, going as far as your eyes can reach, so magnificient; your feet on the sand, warm and tickling… the late nights, laughing until your cheeks hurt, watching the sun saying see you tomorrow, blinded by that golden light.

The best part is that you know there’s more days like these coming your way! summer is just around the corner...
...and you’re ready to make it count!

chapter 3: dear summer

To friendship,

We've finally arrived at our eagerly awaited destination. The journey was a long one, but every kilometre was worth it, because we caught a glimpse of our friends' smiles on the horizon, and they welcomed us enthusiastically and with open arms.

The smell of spring is around, the days are longer and the evenings bid farewell in shades of orangey pink, painting the sky in brushstrokes of warmth and nostalgia... I can feel the imminent arrival of summer.

We gather around the table, as we have so often done before, with a special flavour of yearning and meeting again. The plates fill up with delicacies, and stories and laughter fill the air... no doubt, the happiness and harmony I needed.

It's at times like these, so simple and precious, that we understand the true meaning of life. It’s not the places we visit or the things we have that make us happy; it’s the people we share the most important things with. I look at my friends and I feel immensely grateful. They're the ones that make it all memorable... each meal, each party, each adventure, each laugh.

Summer is about to arrive, with lots of memories to be made. But for now, I’m just going to savour this moment...

Talk to you soon.


chapter 2: Don’t look back

Dear Spring,

Today is one of those days… with lots of happiness in the air. I’m ecstatic as I write these lines to you.

We're in the car and there's no looking back now. All that matters is the present, and the future that lies ahead with open arms.

As the speed increases and the road stretches out in front of us, the thrill of adventure grows stronger and stronger inside me.

The music is loud, the wind in our hair, speeding towards our dreams... leaving fears and doubts behind. Everything around us is sheer adrenaline and a zest for life.

Nature emanates beauty everywhere, the vibrant colours of the landscape seem brighter than ever, and we feel a unique lightness of spirit.

We're free to touch the sky with our fingers and feel what we want.

And we're not even halfway there... we're just going to keep looking ahead, because lots of good things await us out there.

Talk to you soon.


chapter 1: hit the road

Dear spring,

My bags are packed, I've got everything I need, and the rest is in the smile I woke up with this morning.

We’re leaving at 2 pm… we’ll be taking things easy because we want to enjoy the sights along the way.

I love the balance of the seasons, the way they fit together and the world revolving around them.

The days are longer, the sun is warmer, the green is brighter and everything’s flowerier. I’ve got the energy to experience it all, and more.

I’m ready to hit the road, feel the breeze on my face, the sun on my skin... I’m not sure what awaits us on the horizon, but I’m looking forward to finding out.

I've got good travelling companions to have lots of adventures with, and I’m sure I'll be surprised at every step.


Got to go. See you soon... I've got a whole world to explore.









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